It is no secret that buying goods over the Internet carries certain risks. Especially if you buy something is not in the online store and at auction for ordinary people. And even more you risk your money if the seller is in another city in another country, even on another continent. It was in this situation are bidders ebay. They are separated by thousands of miles, but nevertheless, every day at an auction ebay committed thousands of transactions. Actually distance should not be a hindrance.
You can buy a coveted item on ebay without any risk, if you observe a few simple rules. The first thing that you need to pay attention, entering the bidding for the selected auction on ebay, this reputation seller. Its own system for rating the reliability of ebay auction allows you to instantly see how long a person works at auction, whether it has positive or negative feedback. For even more opinions, read materials from Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. Best of all, of course, have to deal with proven sellers that are registered at auction a year or more ago, have a positive feedback. If you face a newly seller ebay, you run the risk, and this, at least, a reason to demand a discount. The second, which should cause you have a keen interest in this Lot picture and description. Options "kidalovo" may be several.
It is likely that you will receive expenses-paid thing, but it is not what you expected. Goods should be photographed up close and clear, so you can see all the advantages and disadvantages. When it comes to technology, then carefully read the description, it should be as complete as possible. If the description states that before you have a laptop Dell, two cores and integrated graphics card, it does not hurt to clarify, and in working condition if he is? Maybe the owner simply sells a dead technology for parts. The surest way to protect against fraud on ebay are actually very simple. Use the services of trusted intermediaries. There are companies that work with ebay for many years, know all the pitfalls and the auction for a ridiculous fee will incur all the problems associated with the acquisition of goods auction ebay.