GSM Technology




If we start counting the number of people who have cellular we not never end, it is estimated that about 3,800 billion people on the planet have mobile of which 3.4 billion of them have equipment with GSM (Global System for mobile communications) technology, which indicates that it is the most widely used mobile technology.In our country the situation is different, since the CDMA network continues being the greater penetration, while the GSM has only 41%. In countries such as Argentina, Colombia, Mexico and Peru networks account for more than 70% of the market. In Venezuela, GSM technology gave its beginnings not long ago with the arrival of DIGITEL, whose user base is 100% GSM, should be noted that you only last year, Movistar started to migrate to that network, but remains even more CDMA. The same is happening with MOVILNET, who is also implemented this technology to their computers.It is important to emphasize that we as consumers are not those who choose the technology, are the operators who do it. Equipment suppliers manufacture technologies, then boosting them and promoting them, and who end up buying teams are consumers. Consumers sometimes not the network which operates your computer, interested because the va by practicality, model of cell phone, costs, etc. In Latin America there must be according to figures from the company 3 G Americas, two million users of GSM technology. This technology outperforms the others for several reasons to know, one of the most important is that they are more economical networks to install, and also offer much faster Internet connection speeds.

For example with teams iPhone or Blackberry, you can navigate at speeds of more than 1 MB per second, that is no longer a laptop necessary to view information or answer emails.For the moments in our country there no 3 G network, i.e. are third generation networks that allow many advantages, such as uploading photos, download music and share online at high speed without having to be tied to a PC. The incorporation of this technology in our country has been slightly slowed down by high costs of handsets that use 3 G, but it is believed will only be a matter of time, since as people consume more costs will drop, since these networks to become a consumer need cheaper terminals, and insurance is what is to come. M.S. Felix Gonzalez j.