One Culture




This procedure, as already mentioned, does not give the increment of knowledge, but serves rather as a system of identification "friend or foe" only if the normal procedure communication, it is not all her time and space, everything is essentially the opposite. Each subject of mass communication remains of their stamps and cliches, and if they become part of the experience communicates subject, then there is non-reflexive, but only as an additional part in the mechanism of identification. Such a process of accumulation of certain stamps, on the one hand, and predzadannye their sets, on the other – form the field of communication without borders, where anyone can become a full party to it, because these "new" stamps and cliches are treated as part of the overall system and rely on outside the mechanism of its maintenance. Communication without boundaries, in turn, supported by powerful structures of the mass media, popular culture, and you can select another element such as fashion. Like any culture, mass culture serves two basic functions: protecting and reproducing. However, it has the features of their implementation: playback of popular culture, among other things, is to standardize the cultural product. Of course, this is normal, because all cultures are developed, forming some Canons are not important, behavior, or art. Unlike the same popular culture that, to overcome the inevitable release into the next phase, the transmutation, it sublimates trnasmutatsionnye processes of cultural artifacts and phenomena in the form of simulacra, leaving the same phenomenon deeply in the thickness of its own phenomenal body. .