House Repair




Build a house, plant a tree and raise a son, as you know, in your life should every man. It is no accident construction home is a priority in the short but very important list. For it is my home – my Fortress, which initially should be the basis for the following two male responsibilities. Since ancient times, first boys, then young men, and then are grown men in Russia mastered the art of erecting buildings. A buildings dating from the log without even a single nail is now considered masterpieces of construction. But not only Slavic people paid much attention to skill building.

Especially the development of construction skills gained in East. In China and Japan since ancient times it was necessary to construct buildings resistant to earthquakes. Oriental wizard has successfully solved this problem. Surprisingly, there are already hundreds of years and do not break down the ancient pagoda. Through development of science and the use of the principle of a physical pendulum builders from the East was able to win the element and to propose solutions, which are used to this day, but with a modern edge. Slavic peoples also succeeded in developing a building. They have developed methods of constructing buildings lie at the heart of modern technology the construction of houses. Technical progress, of course, they made their adjustments and allowed propose a common methodology for construction of residential buildings, a brief description of which is the subject of this article.

Erection of detached houses is largely determined by local conditions and usually combines several techniques. Each procedure takes a certain period, then there is some time interval, which in turn must follow one another, forming a network schedule. In doing so it stands out the backbone of the construction operations that make up the red line. All other operations should take place during the process breaks the basic sequence of actions.