In Cali, a city with fewer people, are at higher risk of your acquaintances or your circle of friends see you enter a gay club, but underneath all of Colombia's mentality is the same, we are a country of right is spaces that have been winning but it is very difficult to make the respetoa , says Sanchez Baute. In that match Blanca Ines Duran, industrial engineer of the Andes, the current mayor of Bogota Chapinero local and leader of the LGBT community. a The main difficulty in coming out is the fear of rejection and discrimination, because the Colombian society is still homofobicaa , she argues. Blanca Ines has known cases of discrimination in all areas, even in prestigious universities that are declared open mind but screen out young people who said their sexual orientation in the admission interview. In the workplace, reporting the case of many gay professionals who are bright but never manage to move up in position and salary, and even dismissed from their jobs for reasons seem fair but mostly associated with the unease about their sexual preference. But the most recurrent cases occur within families, ranging from physical assault, verbal and psychological child declaring homosexual, even as aberrant situations like that of a woman whose family allowed Barranquilla was raped a to see if that cured the disease of lesbianismoa . a Son cases frighten us and show that much remains to be done in Colombiaa , says Blanca Ines. .