



All these rules are necessary so that the professor if keeps constantly brought up to date, beyond making use of time to elaborate more of form detailed its materials of work, as well as all planning dessenrolar of its lesson, already aiming at the learning. This form, professors and learning will leave benefited. Already speaking on continued education he is basic to establish the competitiveness between the professors, and thus he stimulates them to search it each time more the knowledge and the improvement of practical its. The search for the knowledge if becomes more frenquente and thus the market makes use more of professionals brought up to date and ready to act at the time of now and in different social contexts. Although the knowledge of a technology, practical tool or in disuse never is total lost, to follow the constant changes of scene demands continuous efforts. (Center The International of Technology of Software, 2008) In the current days, the technology well is developed and what it was learned in this technological Age never wasted and nor will total be devaluated, but she is necessary to modernize itself constantly, after all the technology is in development and all the techniques that are today current could tomorrow be little used techniques. The market of work that we have search what it exists of more current, then optimum is of the continuity its formation and to have a differential.

Considering, thus, the sprouting of new ideas, new attitudes, new behaviors and new abilities in the context of the continued education. This why the professional was the search of new ideas, new attitudes, among others factors that are inserted in the social context. Then the professor has attitudes that they fortify its practical professional, with these attributes the professor soon conquest the space that already is of it for right. The continued education, in which we speak so far, can occur beyond schools university, in any another environment that brings a learning.