Internet Speed




ADSL is a new technology which means Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. This is commonly known as DSL and can provide access to high-speed Internet for homes that use the standard copper telephone lines. This type of connection is different from Internet access provided through the lines of television cable. ADSL is the main competition of cable in the market of Internet service providers. The main advantage of the cable is having a speed faster and more flexible loading and unloading. While ADSL can provide a fast download speed, only from ida. The upload speed is significantly slower than what cable can provide. This is the reason why ADSL is mainly marketed to Internet users passive, i.e., those that do not need file upload frequently.

ADSL has some advantages over cable, ADSL offers are a lower cost and a greater range of coverage. In smaller cities, access to Cable Internet is not always available, ADSL is more popular in these places. How can I test the speed of DSL? go to a web site that offers this service. By sending your computer from a packet of information, the web site, will measure the time that took the computer to download and upload the information package and calculate your bandwidth speed. This test measures the real speed? The actual speed is the amount of useful data that connection cannot transmit or receive per second. On the other hand, the actual speed also includes data that are not important. A typical ADSL connection has four Mbps download speeds and six Kbps upload speeds. The cable can offer download speeds of up to 8 Mbps and 355 Kbps upload speeds, although there are megs ADSL 20 offerings that provide a high-bandwidth compared with the offered commonly. Before hiring any internet service do not forget to consult the comparative ADSL when choosing which is best suited to your needs.