Shepherd Anglicano




As well as they export thousand of tons of meat of chicken, swines and birds, followed for thousand of tons of soy, maize and until rice. Brazil hunger bush its citizens, while it kills the hunger of other citizens in foreign countries, to not adopting one politics of alimentary self-sufficiency productive self-supplying, with the adoption of politics directed toward the basic food production, produced with agricultural subsidies, the example of what it happens in other countries, in special France. The hunger if comes across with empty pans. when the foods exist, the form as is offered to the hungry ones always becomes of wrong form. In special in the nutricional balancing and caloric. (*** Brazil and its social programs) Historically the hunger despertou some interests, the point of a Shepherd of a Anglicana Church, nailed that the families alone had children if they had cultivating lands stops of them taking off the foods that would go to feed its children. the Shepherd Anglicano and Economista, developed a theory regarding the hunger, whose enunciated until today he is accepted for some ecological xiitas: – ' ' the population grows in geometric progression, while the food production increases in progression aritmtica' '. Of high of its pulpit author of the Assay on the Population, it defended that if its community did not produce food (this is the correct term), in the same ratio that grew in terms of fidiciary offices (demographially), would have a high prices, would occur a situation in which the members of its community would die of hunger.

then two situations if would make gifts. The first one with the increase of people born in the families of its community and not having foods, the Anglicana Church, which had to the Christian rules, would have to feed them of a form or another one. Second, to the measure that the people died of hunger, it would have a substantial fall in the collection of the tenth.